Rewards and Points

How are rewards distributed?

Rewards are distributed based on the amount of BTC staked and stBTC participation in the ecosystem. There are different pools with specific reward criteria.

What are Lorenzo Points (LPs)?

Lorenzo Points (LPs) are reward points earned through participation in the staking event. *Please note that the full Lorenzo point system rules will be released soon as an addition to this article. Users participating in this event by following our tutorial will be included in our incentive program

What are the reward rules for Pool 1?

  • Stake BTC in the Lorenzo Pre-Launch Staking Event to receive stBTC.

  • Receive 30,000 base points per 1 BTC staked if participating from May 28th or earlier.

  • Points distributed daily and proportional to participation duration.

  • BTC locked until August 31, 2024.

What are the reward rules for Pool 2?

  • Bridge stBTC to Bitlayer and participate in partner projects.

  • Earn 10,000 points for every stBTC contributed in partner projects during snapshots.

Last updated