YAT Distribution Process

As shown in the figure in order to obtain YATs, a user should take the following steps:

  1. The user logs into the Lorenzo dapp using the user’s BTC&EVM wallet.

  2. The user selects a desired staking plan.

  3. At the beginning of a staking cycle, the user sends any BTC-equivalent assets (e.g., BTC, wBTC, BTCB, FBTC, stBTC, etc.) to Lorenzo, who then stakes to the PoS chains in the Babylon ecosystem according to the user’s request. Using the staking information, Lorenzo invokes the the stBTC module on the chain to issue stBTCs to the user. Additionally, based on the stakePlanId, the Staking Agent mints corresponding YATs for the user.

  4. Stakers can still stake BTC-equivalent assets other than stBTC and get same amount of stBTCs during a staking cycle. Note that the later phase the staking cycle is in, the fewer YATs a staker would get.

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